macro_rules! __bits_from_slice {
(Local, $store:ident, $len:expr, $slice:ident) => {
>::from_slice($slice)[.. $len]
(Lsb0, $store:ident, $len:expr, $slice:ident) => {
>::from_slice($slice)[.. $len]
(Msb0, $store:ident, $len:expr, $slice:ident) => {
>::from_slice($slice)[.. $len]
($order:tt, $store:ident, $len:expr, $slice:ident) => {
$crate::slice::BitSlice::<$order, $store>::from_slice($slice)[.. $len]
macro_rules! __bits_store_array {
($order:tt, usize; $($val:expr),*) => {{
const LEN: usize = $crate::store::elts::<usize>(
#[cfg(target_pointer_width = "32")]
const OUT: [usize; LEN] = $crate::__bits_store_array!(
$order, u32 @ usz; $($val),*
#[cfg(target_pointer_width = "64")]
const OUT: [usize; LEN] = $crate::__bits_store_array!(
$order, u64 @ usz; $($val),*
($order:tt, $store:ident $(@ $usz:ident )?; $($val:expr),*) => {
$order, $store $(@ $usz)?, []; $($val,)*
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
($order:tt, $store:ident @ usz, [$( ($($elt:tt),*) )*]; $(0),*) => {
$crate::__elt_from_bits!($order, $store; $($elt),*) as usize
($order:tt, $store:ident, [$( ($($elt:tt),*) )*]; $(0),*) => {
$crate::__elt_from_bits!($order, $store; $($elt),*)
$order:tt, u8 $(@ $usz:ident)?, [$($w:tt)*];
$a0:tt, $b0:tt, $c0:tt, $d0:tt, $e0:tt, $f0:tt, $g0:tt, $h0:tt
$(, $($t:tt)*)?
) => {
$order, u8 $(@ $usz)?, [$($w)* (
$a0, $b0, $c0, $d0, $e0, $f0, $g0, $h0
$order:tt, u16 $(@ $usz:ident)?, [$($w:tt)*];
$a0:tt, $b0:tt, $c0:tt, $d0:tt, $e0:tt, $f0:tt, $g0:tt, $h0:tt,
$a1:tt, $b1:tt, $c1:tt, $d1:tt, $e1:tt, $f1:tt, $g1:tt, $h1:tt
$(, $($t:tt)*)?
) => {
$order, u16 $(@ $usz)?, [$($w)* (
$a0, $b0, $c0, $d0, $e0, $f0, $g0, $h0,
$a1, $b1, $c1, $d1, $e1, $f1, $g1, $h1
$order:tt, u32 $(@ $usz:ident)?, [$($w:tt)*];
$a0:tt, $b0:tt, $c0:tt, $d0:tt, $e0:tt, $f0:tt, $g0:tt, $h0:tt,
$a1:tt, $b1:tt, $c1:tt, $d1:tt, $e1:tt, $f1:tt, $g1:tt, $h1:tt,
$a2:tt, $b2:tt, $c2:tt, $d2:tt, $e2:tt, $f2:tt, $g2:tt, $h2:tt,
$a3:tt, $b3:tt, $c3:tt, $d3:tt, $e3:tt, $f3:tt, $g3:tt, $h3:tt
$(, $($t:tt)*)?
) => {
$order, u32 $(@ $usz)?, [$($w)* (
$a0, $b0, $c0, $d0, $e0, $f0, $g0, $h0,
$a1, $b1, $c1, $d1, $e1, $f1, $g1, $h1,
$a2, $b2, $c2, $d2, $e2, $f2, $g2, $h2,
$a3, $b3, $c3, $d3, $e3, $f3, $g3, $h3
$order:tt, u64 $(@ $usz:ident)?, [$($w:tt)*];
$a0:tt, $b0:tt, $c0:tt, $d0:tt, $e0:tt, $f0:tt, $g0:tt, $h0:tt,
$a1:tt, $b1:tt, $c1:tt, $d1:tt, $e1:tt, $f1:tt, $g1:tt, $h1:tt,
$a2:tt, $b2:tt, $c2:tt, $d2:tt, $e2:tt, $f2:tt, $g2:tt, $h2:tt,
$a3:tt, $b3:tt, $c3:tt, $d3:tt, $e3:tt, $f3:tt, $g3:tt, $h3:tt,
$a4:tt, $b4:tt, $c4:tt, $d4:tt, $e4:tt, $f4:tt, $g4:tt, $h4:tt,
$a5:tt, $b5:tt, $c5:tt, $d5:tt, $e5:tt, $f5:tt, $g5:tt, $h5:tt,
$a6:tt, $b6:tt, $c6:tt, $d6:tt, $e6:tt, $f6:tt, $g6:tt, $h6:tt,
$a7:tt, $b7:tt, $c7:tt, $d7:tt, $e7:tt, $f7:tt, $g7:tt, $h7:tt
$(, $($t:tt)*)?
) => {
$order, u64 $(@ $usz)?, [$($w)* (
$a0, $b0, $c0, $d0, $e0, $f0, $g0, $h0,
$a1, $b1, $c1, $d1, $e1, $f1, $g1, $h1,
$a2, $b2, $c2, $d2, $e2, $f2, $g2, $h2,
$a3, $b3, $c3, $d3, $e3, $f3, $g3, $h3,
$a4, $b4, $c4, $d4, $e4, $f4, $g4, $h4,
$a5, $b5, $c5, $d5, $e5, $f5, $g5, $h5,
$a6, $b6, $c6, $d6, $e6, $f6, $g6, $h6,
$a7, $b7, $c7, $d7, $e7, $f7, $g7, $h7
macro_rules! __count {
(@ $val:expr) => {
($($val:expr),*) => {{
const LEN: usize = 0usize $(+ $crate::__count!(@ $val))*;
macro_rules! __elt_from_bits {
Lsb0, $store:ident;
$($a:tt, $b:tt, $c:tt, $d:tt, $e:tt, $f:tt, $g:tt, $h:tt),*
) => {
Lsb0, $store, [$($crate::macros::internal::u8_from_le_bits(
$a != 0, $b != 0, $c != 0, $d != 0,
$e != 0, $f != 0, $g != 0, $h != 0,
Msb0, $store:ident;
$($a:tt, $b:tt, $c:tt, $d:tt, $e:tt, $f:tt, $g:tt, $h:tt),*
) => {
Msb0, $store, [$($crate::macros::internal::u8_from_be_bits(
$a != 0, $b != 0, $c != 0, $d != 0,
$e != 0, $f != 0, $g != 0, $h != 0,
Local, $store:ident;
$($a:tt, $b:tt, $c:tt, $d:tt, $e:tt, $f:tt, $g:tt, $h:tt),*
) => {
Local, $store, [$($crate::macros::internal::u8_from_ne_bits(
$a != 0, $b != 0, $c != 0, $d != 0,
$e != 0, $f != 0, $g != 0, $h != 0,
($order:tt, $store:ident; $($a:tt),*) => {{
compile_error!("The ordering argument you provided is unrecognized, \
and as such cannot be used in const contexts.");
let mut value: $store = 0;
let mut _idx = 0u8;
&mut value,
unsafe { $crate::indices::BitIdx::new_unchecked(_idx) },
$a != 0,
_idx += 1;
macro_rules! __extend_bool {
($val:expr, $typ:ident) => {
(0 as $typ).wrapping_sub(($val != 0) as $typ)
macro_rules! __bitslice_shift {
( $( $t:ty ),+ ) => { $(
impl<O, T> core::ops::ShlAssign<$t>
for $crate::prelude::BitSlice<O, T>
where O: $crate::order::BitOrder, T: $crate::store::BitStore {
fn shl_assign(&mut self, shamt: $t) {
shamt as usize,
impl<O, T> core::ops::ShrAssign<$t>
for $crate::prelude::BitSlice<O, T>
where O: $crate::order::BitOrder, T: $crate::store::BitStore {
fn shr_assign(&mut self,shamt: $t){
shamt as usize,
)+ };
#[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
macro_rules! __bitvec_shift {
( $( $t:ty ),+ ) => { $(
impl<O, T> core::ops::Shl<$t>
for $crate::vec::BitVec<O, T>
where O: $crate::order::BitOrder, T: $crate::store::BitStore {
type Output = <Self as core::ops::Shl<usize>>::Output;
fn shl(self, shamt: $t) -> Self::Output {
core::ops::Shl::<usize>::shl(self, shamt as usize)
impl<O, T> core::ops::ShlAssign<$t>
for $crate::vec::BitVec<O, T>
where O: $crate::order::BitOrder, T: $crate::store::BitStore {
fn shl_assign(&mut self, shamt: $t) {
shamt as usize,
impl<O, T> core::ops::Shr<$t>
for $crate::vec::BitVec<O, T>
where O: $crate::order::BitOrder, T: $crate::store::BitStore {
type Output = <Self as core::ops::Shr<usize>>::Output;
fn shr(self, shamt: $t) -> Self::Output {
core::ops::Shr::<usize>::shr(self, shamt as usize)
impl<O, T> core::ops::ShrAssign<$t>
for $crate::vec::BitVec<O, T>
where O: $crate::order::BitOrder, T: $crate::store::BitStore {
fn shr_assign(&mut self, shamt: $t) {
shamt as usize,
)+ };
macro_rules! __ty_from_bytes {
(Msb0, u8, [$($byte:expr),*]) => {
(Lsb0, u8, [$($byte:expr),*]) => {
(Local, u8, [$($byte:expr),*]) => {
(Msb0, u16, [$($byte:expr),*]) => {
(Lsb0, u16, [$($byte:expr),*]) => {
(Local, u16, [$($byte:expr),*]) => {
(Msb0, u32, [$($byte:expr),*]) => {
(Lsb0, u32, [$($byte:expr),*]) => {
(Local, u32, [$($byte:expr),*]) => {
(Msb0, u64, [$($byte:expr),*]) => {
(Lsb0, u64, [$($byte:expr),*]) => {
(Local, u64, [$($byte:expr),*]) => {
(Msb0, usize, [$($byte:expr),*]) => {
(Lsb0, usize, [$($byte:expr),*]) => {
(Local, usize, [$($byte:expr),*]) => {
pub const fn u8_from_le_bits(
a: bool,
b: bool,
c: bool,
d: bool,
e: bool,
f: bool,
g: bool,
h: bool,
) -> u8 {
(a as u8)
| ((b as u8) << 1)
| ((c as u8) << 2)
| ((d as u8) << 3)
| ((e as u8) << 4)
| ((f as u8) << 5)
| ((g as u8) << 6)
| ((h as u8) << 7)
pub const fn u8_from_be_bits(
a: bool,
b: bool,
c: bool,
d: bool,
e: bool,
f: bool,
g: bool,
h: bool,
) -> u8 {
(h as u8)
| ((g as u8) << 1)
| ((f as u8) << 2)
| ((e as u8) << 3)
| ((d as u8) << 4)
| ((c as u8) << 5)
| ((b as u8) << 6)
| ((a as u8) << 7)
#[cfg(target_endian = "little")]
pub use self::u8_from_le_bits as u8_from_ne_bits;
#[cfg(target_endian = "big")]
pub use self::u8_from_be_bits as u8_from_ne_bits;
pub const fn u8_from_be_bytes(bytes: [u8; 1]) -> u8 {
pub const fn u8_from_le_bytes(bytes: [u8; 1]) -> u8 {
pub const fn u16_from_be_bytes(bytes: [u8; 2]) -> u16 {
((bytes[0] as u16) << 8) | bytes[1] as u16
pub const fn u16_from_le_bytes(bytes: [u8; 2]) -> u16 {
((bytes[1] as u16) << 8) | bytes[0] as u16
pub const fn u32_from_be_bytes(bytes: [u8; 4]) -> u32 {
(u16_from_be_bytes([bytes[0], bytes[1]]) as u32) << 16
| u16_from_be_bytes([bytes[2], bytes[3]]) as u32
pub const fn u32_from_le_bytes(bytes: [u8; 4]) -> u32 {
(u16_from_le_bytes([bytes[2], bytes[3]]) as u32) << 16
| u16_from_le_bytes([bytes[0], bytes[1]]) as u32
pub const fn u64_from_be_bytes(bytes: [u8; 8]) -> u64 {
(u32_from_be_bytes([bytes[0], bytes[1], bytes[2], bytes[3]]) as u64) << 32
| (u32_from_be_bytes([bytes[4], bytes[5], bytes[6], bytes[7]]) as u64)
pub const fn u64_from_le_bytes(bytes: [u8; 8]) -> u64 {
(u32_from_le_bytes([bytes[4], bytes[5], bytes[6], bytes[7]]) as u64) << 32
| u32_from_le_bytes([bytes[0], bytes[1], bytes[2], bytes[3]]) as u64
#[cfg(target_pointer_width = "32")]
pub const fn usize_from_be_bytes(bytes: [u8; 4]) -> usize {
u32_from_be_bytes(bytes) as usize
#[cfg(target_pointer_width = "32")]
pub const fn usize_from_le_bytes(bytes: [u8; 4]) -> usize {
u32_from_le_bytes(bytes) as usize
#[cfg(target_pointer_width = "64")]
pub const fn usize_from_be_bytes(bytes: [u8; 8]) -> usize {
u64_from_be_bytes(bytes) as usize
#[cfg(target_pointer_width = "64")]
pub const fn usize_from_le_bytes(bytes: [u8; 8]) -> usize {
u64_from_le_bytes(bytes) as usize
#[cfg(target_endian = "big")]
pub use u8_from_be_bytes as u8_from_ne_bytes;
#[cfg(target_endian = "big")]
pub use u16_from_be_bytes as u16_from_ne_bytes;
#[cfg(target_endian = "big")]
pub use u32_from_be_bytes as u32_from_ne_bytes;
#[cfg(target_endian = "big")]
pub use u64_from_be_bytes as u64_from_ne_bytes;
#[cfg(target_endian = "big")]
pub use usize_from_be_bytes as usize_from_ne_bytes;
#[cfg(target_endian = "little")]
pub use u8_from_le_bytes as u8_from_ne_bytes;
#[cfg(target_endian = "little")]
pub use u16_from_le_bytes as u16_from_ne_bytes;
#[cfg(target_endian = "little")]
pub use u32_from_le_bytes as u32_from_ne_bytes;
#[cfg(target_endian = "little")]
pub use u64_from_le_bytes as u64_from_ne_bytes;
#[cfg(target_endian = "little")]
pub use usize_from_le_bytes as usize_from_ne_bytes;