Function zstd_sys::ZDICT_optimizeTrainFromBuffer_fastCover[][src]

pub unsafe extern "C" fn ZDICT_optimizeTrainFromBuffer_fastCover(
    dictBuffer: *mut c_void,
    dictBufferCapacity: usize,
    samplesBuffer: *const c_void,
    samplesSizes: *const usize,
    nbSamples: c_uint,
    parameters: *mut ZDICT_fastCover_params_t
) -> usize

ZDICT_optimizeTrainFromBuffer_fastCover(): The same requirements as above hold for all the parameters except parameters. This function tries many parameter combinations (specifically, k and d combinations) and picks the best parameters. *parameters is filled with the best parameters found, dictionary constructed with those parameters is stored in dictBuffer. All of the parameters d, k, steps, f, and accel are optional. If d is non-zero then we don’t check multiple values of d, otherwise we check d = {6, 8}. if steps is zero it defaults to its default value. If k is non-zero then we don’t check multiple values of k, otherwise we check steps values in [50, 2000]. If f is zero, default value of 20 is used. If accel is zero, default value of 1 is used.

@return: size of dictionary stored into dictBuffer (<= dictBufferCapacity) or an error code, which can be tested with ZDICT_isError(). On success *parameters contains the parameters selected. See ZDICT_trainFromBuffer() for details on failure modes. Note: ZDICT_optimizeTrainFromBuffer_fastCover() requires about 6 * 2^f bytes of memory for each thread.