Crate scroll[][src]



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Scroll is a library for easily and efficiently reading/writing types from data containers like byte arrays.


Scroll sets down a number of traits:

FromCtx, IntoCtx, TryFromCtx and TryIntoCtx — further explained in the ctx module; to be implemented on custom types to allow reading, writing, and potentially fallible reading/writing respectively.

Pread and Pwrite which are implemented on data containers such as byte arrays to define how to read or respectively write types implementing the *Ctx traits above. In addition scroll also defines IOread and IOwrite with additional constraits that then allow reading and writing from std::io Read and Write.

In most cases you can use scroll_derive to derive sensible defaults for Pread, Pwrite, their IO counterpart and SizeWith. More complex situations call for manual implementation of those traits; refer to the ctx module for details.


Reading Slices — including &str — supports zero-copy. Scroll is designed with a no_std context in mind; every dependency on std is cfg-gated and errors need not allocate.

Reads by default take only immutable references wherever possible, allowing for trivial parallelization.


Let’s start with a simple example

use scroll::{ctx, Pread};

// Let's first define some data, cfg-gated so our assertions later on hold.
#[cfg(target_endian = "little")]
let bytes: [u8; 4] = [0xde, 0xad, 0xbe, 0xef];
#[cfg(target_endian = "big")]
let bytes: [u8; 4] = [0xef, 0xbe, 0xad, 0xde];

// We can read a u32 from the array `bytes` at offset 0. 
// This will use a default context for the type being parsed;
// in the case of u32 this defines to use the host's endianess.
let number = bytes.pread::<u32>(0).unwrap();
assert_eq!(number, 0xefbeadde);

// Similarly we can also read a single byte at offset 2
// This time using type ascription instead of the turbofish (::<>) operator.
let byte: u8 = bytes.pread(2).unwrap();
assert_eq!(byte, 0xbe);

// If required we can also provide a specific parsing context; e.g. if we want to explicitly
// define the endianess to use:
let be_number: u32 = bytes.pread_with(0, scroll::BE).unwrap();
assert_eq!(be_number, 0xdeadbeef);

let be_number16 = bytes.pread_with::<u16>(1, scroll::BE).unwrap();
assert_eq!(be_number16, 0xadbe);

// Reads may fail; in this example due to a too large read for the given container.
// Scroll's error type does not by default allocate to work in environments like no_std.
let byte_err: scroll::Result<i64> = bytes.pread(0);

// We can parse out custom datatypes, or types with lifetimes, as long as they implement
// the conversion traits `TryFromCtx/FromCtx`.
// Here we use the default context for &str which parses are C-style '\0'-delimited string.
let hello: &[u8] = b"hello world\0more words";
let hello_world: &str = hello.pread(0).unwrap();
assert_eq!("hello world", hello_world);

// We can again provide a custom context; for example to parse Space-delimited strings.
// As you can see while we still call `pread` changing the context can influence the output —
// instead of splitting at '\0' we split at spaces
let hello2: &[u8] = b"hello world\0more words";
let world: &str = hello2.pread_with(6, ctx::StrCtx::Delimiter(ctx::SPACE)).unwrap();
assert_eq!("world\0more", world);

std::io API

Scroll also allows reading from std::io. For this the types to read need to implement FromCtx and SizeWith.

use std::io::Cursor;
use scroll::{IOread, ctx, Endian};
let bytes = [0x01,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00, 0xef,0xbe,0x00,0x00,];
let mut cursor = Cursor::new(bytes);

// IOread uses std::io::Read methods, thus the Cursor will be incremented on these reads:
let prev = cursor.position();

let integer = cursor.ioread_with::<u64>(Endian::Little).unwrap();

let after = cursor.position();

assert!(prev < after);

// SizeWith allows us to define a context-sensitive size of a read type:
// Contexts can have different instantiations; e.g. the `Endian` context can be either Little or
// Big. This is useful if for example the context contains the word-size of fields to be
// read/written, e.g. switching between ELF32 or ELF64 at runtime.
let size = <u64 as ctx::SizeWith<Endian>>::size_with(&Endian::Little) as u64;
assert_eq!(prev + size, after);

In the same vein as IOread we can use IOwrite to write a type to anything implementing std::io::Write:

use std::io::Cursor;
use scroll::{IOwrite};

let mut bytes = [0x0u8; 5];
let mut cursor = Cursor::new(&mut bytes[..]);

// This of course once again increments the cursor position
cursor.iowrite_with(0xdeadbeef as u32, scroll::BE).unwrap();

assert_eq!(cursor.into_inner(), [0xde, 0xad, 0xbe, 0xef, 0x0]);

Complex use cases

Scoll is designed to be highly adaptable while providing a strong abstraction between the types being read/written and the data container containing them.

In this example we’ll define a custom Data and allow it to be read from an arbitrary byte buffer.

use scroll::{self, ctx, Pread, Endian};
use scroll::ctx::StrCtx;

// Our custom context type. In a more complex situation you could for example store details on
// how to write or read your type, field-sizes or other information.
// In this simple example we could also do without using a custom context in the first place.
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
struct Context(Endian);

// Our custom data type
struct Data<'zerocopy> {
  // This is only a reference to the actual data; we make use of scroll's zero-copy capability
  name: &'zerocopy str,
  id: u32,

// To allow for safe zero-copying scroll allows to specify lifetimes explicitly:
// The context 
impl<'a> ctx::TryFromCtx<'a, Context> for Data<'a> {
  // If necessary you can set a custom error type here, which will be returned by Pread/Pwrite
  type Error = scroll::Error;

  // Using the explicit lifetime specification again you ensure that read data doesn't outlife
  // its source buffer without having to resort to copying.
  fn try_from_ctx (src: &'a [u8], ctx: Context)
    // the `usize` returned here is the amount of bytes read.
    -> Result<(Self, usize), Self::Error> 
    let offset = &mut 0;

    let id = src.gread_with(offset, ctx.0)?;

    // In a more serious application you would validate data here of course.
    let namelen: u16 = src.gread_with(offset, ctx.0)?;
    let name = src.gread_with::<&str>(offset, StrCtx::Length(namelen as usize))?;

    Ok((Data { name: name, id: id }, *offset))

// In lieu of a complex byte buffer we hearken back to a simple &[u8]; the default source
// of TryFromCtx. However, any type that implements Pread to produce a &[u8] can now read
// `Data` thanks to it's implementation of TryFromCtx.
let bytes = b"\x01\x02\x03\x04\x00\x08UserName";
let data: Data = bytes.pread_with(0, Context(Endian::Big)).unwrap();

assert_eq!(, 0x01020304);
assert_eq!(, "UserName".to_string());

For further explanation of the traits and how to implement them manually refer to Pread and TryFromCtx.



Generic context-aware conversion traits, for automatic downstream extension of Pread, et. al



An signed leb128 integer


An unsigned leb128 integer



The endianness (byte order) of a stream of bytes


A custom Scroll error



Big Endian byte order context


Little Endian byte order context


The machine’s native byte order


Network byte order context



Core-read - core, no_std friendly trait for reading basic traits from byte buffers. Cannot fail unless the buffer is too small, in which case an assert fires and the program panics.


Core-write - core, no_std friendly trait for writing basic types into byte buffers. Cannot fail unless the buffer is too small, in which case an assert fires and the program panics. Similar to Cread, if your type implements IntoCtx then you can cwrite(your_type, offset).


An extension trait to std::io::Read streams; mainly targeted at reading primitive types with a known size.


An extension trait to std::io::Write streams; this only serializes simple types, like u8, i32, f32, usize, etc.


A very generic, contextual pread interface in Rust.


A very generic, contextual pwrite interface in Rust.

Type Definitions


Derive Macros
