Crate untrusted[][src]

[] Safe, fast, zero-panic, zero-crashing, zero-allocation parsing of untrusted inputs in Rust.

git clone goes beyond Rust’s normal safety guarantees by also guaranteeing that parsing will be panic-free, as long as untrusted::Input::as_slice_less_safe() is not used. It avoids copying data and heap allocation and strives to prevent common pitfalls such as accidentally parsing input bytes multiple times. In order to meet these goals, is limited in functionality such that it works best for input languages with a small fixed amount of lookahead such as ASN.1, TLS, TCP/IP, and many other networking, IPC, and related protocols. Languages that require more lookahead and/or backtracking require some significant contortions to parse using this framework. It would not be realistic to use it for parsing programming language code, for example.

The overall pattern for using is:

  1. Write a recursive-descent-style parser for the input language, where the input data is given as a &mut untrusted::Reader parameter to each function. Each function should have a return type of Result<V, E> for some value type V and some error type E, either or both of which may be (). Functions for parsing the lowest-level language constructs should be defined. Those lowest-level functions will parse their inputs using ::read_byte(), Reader::peek(), and similar functions. Higher-level language constructs are then parsed by calling the lower-level functions in sequence.

  2. Wrap the top-most functions of your recursive-descent parser in functions that take their input data as an untrusted::Input. The wrapper functions should call the Input’s read_all (or a variant thereof) method. The wrapper functions are the only ones that should be exposed outside the parser’s module.

  3. After receiving the input data to parse, wrap it in an untrusted::Input using untrusted::Input::from() as early as possible. Pass the untrusted::Input to the wrapper functions when they need to be parsed.

In general parsers built using untrusted::Reader do not need to explicitly check for end-of-input unless they are parsing optional constructs, because Reader::read_byte() will return Err(EndOfInput) on end-of-input. Similarly, parsers using untrusted::Reader generally don’t need to check for extra junk at the end of the input as long as the parser’s API uses the pattern described above, as read_all and its variants automatically check for trailing junk. Reader::skip_to_end() must be used when any remaining unread input should be ignored without triggering an error. works best when all processing of the input data is done through the untrusted::Input and untrusted::Reader types. In particular, avoid trying to parse input data using functions that take byte slices. However, when you need to access a part of the input data as a slice to use a function that isn’t written using, Input::as_slice_less_safe() can be used.

It is recommend to use use untrusted; and then untrusted::Input, untrusted::Reader, etc., instead of using use untrusted::*. Qualifying the names with untrusted helps remind the reader of the code that it is dealing with untrusted input.


ring’s parser for the subset of ASN.1 DER it needs to understand, ring::der, is built on top of ring also uses to parse ECC public keys, RSA PKCS#1 1.5 padding, and for all other parsing it does.

All of webpki’s parsing of X.509 certificates (also ASN.1 DER) is done using



The error type used to indicate the end of the input was reached before the operation could be completed.


A wrapper around &'a [u8] that helps in writing panic-free code.


An index into the already-parsed input of a Reader.


A read-only, forward-only* cursor into the data in an Input.



Calls read with the given input as a Reader, ensuring that read consumed the entire input. When input is None, read will be called with None.