Crate tower_util[−][src]
Various utility types and functions that are generally with Tower.
error | Error types |
future | Future types |
BoxService | A boxed |
CallAll | This is a |
CallAllUnordered | A stream of responses received from the inner service in received order. |
Oneshot | A |
Optional | Optionally forwards requests to an inner service. |
Ready | A future that resolves when a |
ReadyAnd | A future that yields a mutable reference to the service when it is ready to accept a request. |
ReadyOneshot | A future that yields the service when it is ready to accept a request. |
ServiceFn | A |
UnsyncBoxService | A boxed |
Either | Combine two different service types into a single type. |
ServiceExt | An extension trait for |
service_fn | Returns a new |