Macro clap::arg_enum [−][src]
macro_rules! arg_enum { (@as_item $($i:item)*) => { ... }; (@impls ( $($tts:tt)* ) -> ($e:ident, $($v:ident),+)) => { ... }; ($(#[$($m:meta),+])+ pub enum $e:ident { $($v:ident $(=$val:expr)*,)+ } ) => { ... }; ($(#[$($m:meta),+])+ pub enum $e:ident { $($v:ident $(=$val:expr)*),+ } ) => { ... }; ($(#[$($m:meta),+])+ enum $e:ident { $($v:ident $(=$val:expr)*,)+ } ) => { ... }; ($(#[$($m:meta),+])+ enum $e:ident { $($v:ident $(=$val:expr)*),+ } ) => { ... }; (pub enum $e:ident { $($v:ident $(=$val:expr)*,)+ } ) => { ... }; (pub enum $e:ident { $($v:ident $(=$val:expr)*),+ } ) => { ... }; (enum $e:ident { $($v:ident $(=$val:expr)*,)+ } ) => { ... }; (enum $e:ident { $($v:ident $(=$val:expr)*),+ } ) => { ... }; }
Convenience macro to generate more complete enums with variants to be used as a type when
parsing arguments. This enum also provides a variants()
function which can be used to
retrieve a Vec<&'static str>
of the variant names, as well as implementing FromStr
NOTE: Case insensitivity is supported for ASCII characters only. It’s highly recommended to
use Arg::case_insensitive(true)
for args that will be used with these enums
NOTE: This macro automatically implements std::str::FromStr
and std::fmt::Display
NOTE: These enums support pub (or not) and uses of the #[derive()]
arg_enum!{ #[derive(PartialEq, Debug)] pub enum Foo { Bar, Baz, Qux } } // Foo enum can now be used via Foo::Bar, or Foo::Baz, etc // and implements std::str::FromStr to use with the value_t! macros fn main() { let m = App::new("app") .arg(Arg::from_usage("<foo> 'the foo'") .possible_values(&Foo::variants()) .case_insensitive(true)) .get_matches_from(vec![ "app", "baz" ]); let f = value_t!(m, "foo", Foo).unwrap_or_else(|e| e.exit()); assert_eq!(f, Foo::Baz); }