Struct bv::BitVec[][src]

pub struct BitVec<Block: BlockType = usize> { /* fields omitted */ }

A bit-vector, akin to Vec<bool> but packed.

BitVec stores its bits in an array of Blocks, where Block is given as a type parameter that defaults to usize. You might find that a different Block size is preferable, but only benchmarking will tell.

Several useful methods are exported in traits, rather than inherent to BitVec. In particular, see:

You will likely want to use these traits (or bv::*) when you use BitVec.


use bv::BitVec;

let mut bv: BitVec = BitVec::new();
assert_eq!(bv.len(), 0);

assert_eq!(bv.len(), 3);

assert_eq!(bv[0], true);
assert_eq!(bv[1], false);
assert_eq!(bv[2], true);


impl<Block: BlockType> BitVec<Block>[src][]

pub fn new() -> Self[src][]

Creates a new, empty bit-vector with a capacity of one block.


use bv::BitVec;

let mut bv: BitVec = BitVec::new();
assert_eq!(bv.len(), 0);

assert_eq!(bv.len(), 3);

assert_eq!(bv[0], true);
assert_eq!(bv[1], false);
assert_eq!(bv[2], true);

pub fn with_capacity(nbits: u64) -> Self[src][]

Creates a new, empty bit-vector with the given bit capacity.


use bv::BitVec;

let mut bv: BitVec<u16> = BitVec::with_capacity(20);
assert_eq!(bv.capacity(), 32);

pub fn with_block_capacity(nblocks: usize) -> Self[src][]

Creates a new, empty bit-vector with the given block capacity.


use bv::BitVec;

let mut bv: BitVec<u16> = BitVec::with_block_capacity(8);
assert_eq!(bv.capacity(), 128);

pub fn new_fill(value: bool, len: u64) -> Self[src][]

Creates a new bit-vector of size len, filled with all 0s or 1s depending on value.


use bv::*;

let mut bv: BitVec<u64> = BitVec::new_fill(false, 100);

assert_eq!( bv.get(0), false );
assert_eq!( bv.len(), 100 );

pub fn from_bits<B: Bits<Block = Block>>(bits: B) -> Self[src][]

Creates a new BitVec from any value implementing the Bits trait with the same block type.

pub fn len(&self) -> u64[src][]

The number of bits in the bit-vector.


use bv::BitVec;

let mut bv: BitVec = BitVec::new();
assert_eq!(bv.len(), 0);
assert_eq!(bv.len(), 1);
assert_eq!(bv.len(), 2);
assert_eq!(bv.len(), 3);

pub fn block_len(&self) -> usize[src][]

The number of blocks used by this bit-vector.


use bv::*;

let mut bv: BitVec<u64> = BitVec::new_fill(false, 100);

assert_eq!( bv.len(), 100 );
assert_eq!( bv.block_len(), 2 );

pub fn capacity(&self) -> u64[src][]

The capacity of the bit-vector in bits.

This is the number of bits that can be held without reallocating.


use bv::*;

let bv: BitVec<u64> = bit_vec![false; 100];

assert_eq!( bv.len(), 100 );
assert_eq!( bv.capacity(), 128 );

Note that this example holds because bit_vec! does not introduces excess capacity.

pub fn block_capacity(&self) -> usize[src][]

The capacity of the bit-vector in blocks.


use bv::*;

let bv: BitVec<u64> = BitVec::with_capacity(250);

assert_eq!( bv.len(), 0 );
assert_eq!( bv.block_len(), 0 );
assert_eq!( bv.capacity(), 256 );
assert_eq!( bv.block_capacity(), 4 );

Note that this example holds because bit_vec! does not introduces excess capacity.

pub fn reserve(&mut self, additional: u64)[src][]

Adjust the capacity to hold at least additional additional bits.

May reserve more to avoid frequent reallocations.


use bv::*;

let mut bv: BitVec<u32> = bit_vec![ false, false, true ];
assert_eq!( bv.capacity(), 32 );
assert!( bv.capacity() >= 103 );

pub fn block_reserve(&mut self, additional: usize)[src][]

Adjust the capacity to hold at least additional additional blocks.

May reserve more to avoid frequent reallocations.


use bv::*;

let mut bv: BitVec<u32> = bit_vec![ false, false, true ];
assert_eq!( bv.block_capacity(), 1 );
assert!( bv.block_capacity() >= 4 );

pub fn reserve_exact(&mut self, additional: u64)[src][]

Adjust the capacity to hold at least additional additional bits.


use bv::*;

let mut bv: BitVec<u32> = bit_vec![ false, false, true ];
assert_eq!( bv.capacity(), 32 );
assert_eq!( bv.capacity(), 128 );

pub fn block_reserve_exact(&mut self, additional: usize)[src][]

Adjusts the capacity to at least additional blocks beyond those used.


use bv::*;

let mut bv: BitVec<u32> = bit_vec![ false, false, true ];
assert_eq!( bv.block_capacity(), 1 );
assert_eq!( bv.block_capacity(), 4 );

pub fn shrink_to_fit(&mut self)[src][]

Shrinks the capacity of the vector as much as possible.


use bv::BitVec;

let mut bv: BitVec<u8> = BitVec::new();

for i in 0 .. 23 {
    bv.push(i % 3 == 0);

assert!(bv.capacity() >= 24);

assert_eq!(bv.capacity(), 24);

pub fn into_boxed_slice(self) -> Box<[Block]>[src][]

Converts the vector into Box<[Block]>.

Note that this will not drop any excess capacity.


use bv::*;

let bv: BitVec<u8> = bit_vec![true, true, false, false, true, false, true, false];
let bs = bv.into_boxed_slice();

assert!( bs.len() >= 1 );
assert_eq!( bs[0], 0b01010011 );

pub fn truncate(&mut self, len: u64)[src][]

Shortens the vector, keeping the first len elements and dropping the rest.

If len is greater than the vector’s current length, this has no effect.

Note that this method has no effect on the capacity of the bit-vector.


use bv::*;

let mut v1: BitVec = bit_vec![ true, true, false, false ];
let     v2: BitVec = bit_vec![ true, true ];

assert_ne!( v1, v2 );


assert_eq!( v1, v2 );

pub fn resize(&mut self, len: u64, value: bool)[src][]

Resizes the bit-vector, filling with value if it has to grow.


use bv::*;

let     v1: BitVec = bit_vec![ true, true, false, false ];
let mut v2: BitVec = bit_vec![ true, true ];
let mut v3: BitVec = bit_vec![ true, true ];

v2.resize(4, false);
v3.resize(4, true);

assert_eq!( v1, v2 );
assert_ne!( v1, v3 );

pub fn as_slice(&self) -> BitSlice<'_, Block>[src][]

Gets a slice to a BitVec.


use bv::*;

let bv: BitVec = bit_vec![true, false, true];
let slice = bv.as_slice();

assert_eq!( slice.len(), 3 );
assert_eq!( slice[0], true );
assert_eq!( slice[1], false );
assert_eq!( slice[2], true );

pub fn as_mut_slice(&mut self) -> BitSliceMut<'_, Block>[src][]

Gets a mutable slice to a BitVec.


use bv::*;

let mut bv: BitVec = bit_vec![true, false, true];

    let mut slice = bv.as_mut_slice();
    slice.set_bit(1, true);

assert_eq!( bv[1], true );

pub fn get(&self, position: u64) -> bool[src][]

Gets the value of the bit at the given position.

This is an alias for Bits::get_bit.


If the position is out of bounds.

pub fn set(&mut self, position: u64, value: bool)[src][]

Sets the value of the bit at the given position.

This is an alias for BitsMut::set_bit.


If the position is out of bounds.

pub fn push(&mut self, value: bool)[src][]

Adds the given bool to the end of the bit-vector.


use bv::*;

let mut bv0: BitVec = bit_vec![ ];
let     bv1: BitVec = bit_vec![ true ];
let     bv2: BitVec = bit_vec![ true, false ];
let     bv3: BitVec = bit_vec![ true, false, true ];

assert_ne!( bv0, bv1 );
assert_ne!( bv0, bv2 );
assert_ne!( bv0, bv3 );

assert_eq!( bv0, bv1 );

assert_eq!( bv0, bv2 );

assert_eq!( bv0, bv3 );

pub fn pop(&mut self) -> Option<bool>[src][]

Removes and returns the last element of the bit-vector, or None if empty.


use bv::*;

let mut bv: BitVec = bit_vec![ true, false, true ];
assert_eq!( bv.pop(), Some(true) );
assert_eq!( bv.pop(), Some(false) );
assert_eq!( bv.pop(), Some(true) );
assert_eq!( bv.pop(), None );

pub fn clear(&mut self)[src][]

Removes all elements from the bit-vector.

Does not change the capacity.


use bv::*;

let mut bv: BitVec<u32> = bit_vec![ true ];
assert_eq!( bv.len(), 1 );
assert_eq!( bv.capacity(), 32 );
assert_eq!( bv.len(), 0 );
assert_eq!( bv.capacity(), 32 );

pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool[src][]

Does the bit-vector have no elements?


use bv::*;

let mut bv: BitVec<u32> = bit_vec![ true ];
assert!( !bv.is_empty() );
assert!(  bv.is_empty() );

Trait Implementations

impl<'a, Block: BlockType> BitSliceable<Range<u64>> for &'a BitVec<Block>[src][+]

type Slice = BitSlice<'a, Block>

The type of the slice produced.

impl<'a, Block: BlockType> BitSliceable<Range<u64>> for &'a mut BitVec<Block>[src][+]

type Slice = BitSliceMut<'a, Block>

The type of the slice produced.

impl<'a, Block: BlockType> BitSliceable<RangeFrom<u64>> for &'a BitVec<Block>[src][+]

type Slice = BitSlice<'a, Block>

The type of the slice produced.

impl<'a, Block: BlockType> BitSliceable<RangeFrom<u64>> for &'a mut BitVec<Block>[src][+]

type Slice = BitSliceMut<'a, Block>

The type of the slice produced.

impl<'a, Block: BlockType> BitSliceable<RangeFull> for &'a BitVec<Block>[src][+]

type Slice = BitSlice<'a, Block>

The type of the slice produced.

impl<'a, Block: BlockType> BitSliceable<RangeFull> for &'a mut BitVec<Block>[src][+]

type Slice = BitSliceMut<'a, Block>

The type of the slice produced.

impl<'a, Block: BlockType> BitSliceable<RangeInclusive<u64>> for &'a BitVec<Block>[src][+]

type Slice = BitSlice<'a, Block>

The type of the slice produced.

impl<'a, Block: BlockType> BitSliceable<RangeInclusive<u64>> for &'a mut BitVec<Block>[src][+]

type Slice = BitSliceMut<'a, Block>

The type of the slice produced.

impl<'a, Block: BlockType> BitSliceable<RangeTo<u64>> for &'a BitVec<Block>[src][+]

type Slice = BitSlice<'a, Block>

The type of the slice produced.

impl<'a, Block: BlockType> BitSliceable<RangeTo<u64>> for &'a mut BitVec<Block>[src][+]

type Slice = BitSliceMut<'a, Block>

The type of the slice produced.

impl<'a, Block: BlockType> BitSliceable<RangeToInclusive<u64>> for &'a BitVec<Block>[src][+]

type Slice = BitSlice<'a, Block>

The type of the slice produced.

impl<'a, Block: BlockType> BitSliceable<RangeToInclusive<u64>> for &'a mut BitVec<Block>[src][+]

type Slice = BitSliceMut<'a, Block>

The type of the slice produced.

impl<Block: BlockType> Bits for BitVec<Block>[src][+]

type Block = Block

The underlying block type used to store the bits of the vector.

impl<Block: BlockType> BitsMut for BitVec<Block>[src][+]

impl<Block: BlockType> BitsPush for BitVec<Block>[src][+]

impl<Block: Clone + BlockType> Clone for BitVec<Block>[src][+]

impl<Block: BlockType> Debug for BitVec<Block>[src][+]

impl<Block: BlockType> Default for BitVec<Block>[src][+]

impl<'de, Block: BlockType + Deserialize<'de>> Deserialize<'de> for BitVec<Block>[src][+]

impl<Block: BlockType> Eq for BitVec<Block>[src]

impl<Block: BlockType> From<Box<[Block], Global>> for BitVec<Block>[src][+]

impl<Block: BlockType> From<Vec<Block, Global>> for BitVec<Block>[src][+]

impl<Block: BlockType + Hash> Hash for BitVec<Block>[src][+]

impl<Block: BlockType> Index<u64> for BitVec<Block>[src][+]

type Output = bool

The returned type after indexing.

impl<Block: BlockType> Ord for BitVec<Block>[src][+]

impl<Other: Bits> PartialEq<Other> for BitVec<Other::Block>[src][+]

impl<Block: BlockType> PartialOrd<BitVec<Block>> for BitVec<Block>[src][+]

impl<Block: BlockType> Serialize for BitVec<Block> where
    Block: Serialize

Auto Trait Implementations

impl<Block> RefUnwindSafe for BitVec<Block> where
    Block: RefUnwindSafe

impl<Block> Send for BitVec<Block> where
    Block: Send

impl<Block> Sync for BitVec<Block> where
    Block: Sync

impl<Block> Unpin for BitVec<Block>

impl<Block> UnwindSafe for BitVec<Block> where
    Block: UnwindSafe

Blanket Implementations

impl<T> Any for T where
    T: 'static + ?Sized

impl<T> Borrow<T> for T where
    T: ?Sized

impl<T> BorrowMut<T> for T where
    T: ?Sized

impl<T> DeserializeOwned for T where
    T: for<'de> Deserialize<'de>, 

impl<T> From<T> for T[src][+]

impl<T, U> Into<U> for T where
    U: From<T>, 

impl<T> ToOwned for T where
    T: Clone

type Owned = T

The resulting type after obtaining ownership.

impl<T, U> TryFrom<U> for T where
    U: Into<T>, 

type Error = Infallible

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

impl<T, U> TryInto<U> for T where
    U: TryFrom<T>, 

type Error = <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.