Module websocket::header [−][src]
Structs representing headers relevant in a WebSocket context.
These headers are commonly used in WebSocket requests and responses.
The Header
trait from the hyper
crate is used.
pub use self::extensions::WebSocketExtensions; |
extensions | Provides the Sec-WebSocket-Extensions header. |
parsing | Utility functions for Header implementations. |
Accept |
AcceptCharset |
AcceptEncoding |
AcceptLanguage |
AcceptRanges |
AccessControlAllowCredentials |
AccessControlAllowHeaders |
AccessControlAllowMethods |
AccessControlExposeHeaders |
AccessControlMaxAge |
AccessControlRequestHeaders |
AccessControlRequestMethod |
Allow |
Authorization |
Basic | Credential holder for Basic Authentication |
Bearer | Token holder for Bearer Authentication, most often seen with oauth |
CacheControl |
Connection |
ContentDisposition | A |
ContentEncoding |
ContentLanguage |
ContentLength |
ContentRange |
ContentType |
Cookie |
Date |
ETag |
EntityTag | An entity tag, defined in RFC7232 |
Expires |
From |
HeaderFormatter | Deprecated A wrapper around any Header with a Display impl that calls fmt_header. |
HeaderView | Returned with the |
Headers | A map of header fields on requests and responses. |
HeadersItems | An |
Host | The |
HttpDate | A |
IfModifiedSince |
IfUnmodifiedSince |
LastModified |
Link | The |
LinkValue | A single |
Location |
Origin | Represents an Origin header |
Origin | The |
Prefer |
PreferenceApplied |
Protocol | Protocols that appear in the |
Quality | Represents a quality used in quality values. |
QualityItem | Represents an item with a quality value as defined in RFC7231. |
Referer |
Server |
SetCookie |
StrictTransportSecurity |
TransferEncoding |
Upgrade |
UserAgent |
WebSocketAccept | Represents a Sec-WebSocket-Accept header |
WebSocketKey | Represents a Sec-WebSocket-Key header. |
WebSocketProtocol | Represents a Sec-WebSocket-Protocol header |
AccessControlAllowOrigin | The |
ByteRangeSpec | Each |
CacheDirective |
Charset | A Mime charset. |
ConnectionOption | Values that can be in the |
ContentRangeSpec | Content-Range, described in RFC7233 |
DispositionParam | A parameter to the disposition type |
DispositionType | The implied disposition of the content of the HTTP body |
Encoding | A value to represent an encoding used in |
Expect | The |
IfMatch |
IfNoneMatch |
IfRange |
MediaDesc | A Media Descriptors Enum based on: |
Pragma | The |
Preference | Prefer contains a list of these preferences. |
ProtocolName | A protocol name used to identify a spefic protocol. Names are case-sensitive
except for the |
Range |
RangeUnit | Range Units, described in RFC7233 |
ReferrerPolicy |
RelationType | A Link Relation Type Enum based on: RFC5988 |
Vary |
WebSocketVersion | Represents a Sec-WebSocket-Version header |
Header | A trait for any object that will represent a header field and value. |
HeaderClone | Internal implementation detail. |
HeaderFormat | A trait for any object that will represent a header field and value. |
Scheme | An Authorization scheme to be used in the header. |
q | Convenience function to create a |
qitem | Convinience function to wrap a value in a |