Module users::os[][src]


OS-specific extensions to users and groups.

Every OS has a different idea of what data a user or a group comes with. Although they all provide a username, some OS’ users have an actual name too, or a set of permissions or directories or timestamps associated with them.

This module provides extension traits for users and groups that allow implementors of this library to access this data as long as a trait is available, which requires the OS they’re using to support this data.

It’s the same method taken by Metadata in the standard Rust library, which has a few cross-platform fields and many more OS-specific fields: traits in std::os provides access to any data that is not guaranteed to be there in the actual struct.



Extensions to users and groups for Unix platforms.

Type Definitions


Any extra fields on a Group specific to the current platform.


Any extra fields on a User specific to the current platform.