Module typenum::uint[][src]


Type-level unsigned integers.

Type operators implemented:

From ::core::ops: BitAnd, BitOr, BitXor, Shl, Shr, Add, Sub, Mul, Div, and Rem. From typenum: Same, Cmp, and Pow.

Rather than directly using the structs defined in this module, it is recommended that you import and use the relevant aliases from the consts module.


use std::ops::{Add, BitAnd, BitOr, BitXor, Div, Mul, Rem, Shl, Shr, Sub};
use typenum::{Unsigned, U1, U2, U3, U4};

assert_eq!(<U3 as BitAnd<U2>>::Output::to_u32(), 2);
assert_eq!(<U3 as BitOr<U4>>::Output::to_u32(), 7);
assert_eq!(<U3 as BitXor<U2>>::Output::to_u32(), 1);
assert_eq!(<U3 as Shl<U1>>::Output::to_u32(), 6);
assert_eq!(<U3 as Shr<U1>>::Output::to_u32(), 1);
assert_eq!(<U3 as Add<U2>>::Output::to_u32(), 5);
assert_eq!(<U3 as Sub<U2>>::Output::to_u32(), 1);
assert_eq!(<U3 as Mul<U2>>::Output::to_u32(), 6);
assert_eq!(<U3 as Div<U2>>::Output::to_u32(), 1);
assert_eq!(<U3 as Rem<U2>>::Output::to_u32(), 1);


pub use crate::marker_traits::PowerOfTwo;
pub use crate::marker_traits::Unsigned;



UInt is defined recursively, where B is the least significant bit and U is the rest of the number. Conceptually, U should be bound by the trait Unsigned and B should be bound by the trait Bit, but enforcing these bounds causes linear instead of logrithmic scaling in some places, so they are left off for now. They may be enforced in future.


The terminating type for UInt; it always comes after the most significant bit. UTerm by itself represents zero, which is aliased to U0.



A type operator that, when implemented for unsigned integer N, sets the bit at position I to B.

Type Definitions


Alias for the result of calling SetBit: SetBitOut<N, I, B> = <N as SetBit<I, B>>::Output.