Trait solana_evm_loader_program::scope::evm::secp256k1::rand::prelude::SliceRandom[][src]

pub trait SliceRandom {
    type Item;
    pub fn choose<R>(&self, rng: &mut R) -> Option<&Self::Item>
        R: Rng + ?Sized
pub fn choose_mut<R>(&mut self, rng: &mut R) -> Option<&mut Self::Item>
        R: Rng + ?Sized
pub fn choose_multiple<R>(
        rng: &mut R,
        amount: usize
    ) -> SliceChooseIter<'_, Self, Self::Item>

Notable traits for SliceChooseIter<'a, S, T>

impl<'a, S, T> Iterator for SliceChooseIter<'a, S, T> where
    T: 'a,
    S: Index<usize, Output = T> + 'a + ?Sized
type Item = &'a T;

        R: Rng + ?Sized
pub fn choose_weighted<R, F, B, X>(
        rng: &mut R,
        weight: F
    ) -> Result<&Self::Item, WeightedError>
        F: Fn(&Self::Item) -> B,
        R: Rng + ?Sized,
        X: SampleUniform + for<'a> AddAssign<&'a X> + PartialOrd<X> + Clone + Default,
        B: SampleBorrow<X>
pub fn choose_weighted_mut<R, F, B, X>(
        &mut self,
        rng: &mut R,
        weight: F
    ) -> Result<&mut Self::Item, WeightedError>
        F: Fn(&Self::Item) -> B,
        R: Rng + ?Sized,
        X: SampleUniform + for<'a> AddAssign<&'a X> + PartialOrd<X> + Clone + Default,
        B: SampleBorrow<X>
pub fn shuffle<R>(&mut self, rng: &mut R)
        R: Rng + ?Sized
pub fn partial_shuffle<R>(
        &mut self,
        rng: &mut R,
        amount: usize
    ) -> (&mut [Self::Item], &mut [Self::Item])
        R: Rng + ?Sized
; }

Extension trait on slices, providing random mutation and sampling methods.

An implementation is provided for slices. This may also be implementable for other types.

Associated Types

type Item[src]

The element type.

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Required methods

pub fn choose<R>(&self, rng: &mut R) -> Option<&Self::Item> where
    R: Rng + ?Sized

Returns a reference to one random element of the slice, or None if the slice is empty.

Depending on the implementation, complexity is expected to be O(1).


use rand::thread_rng;
use rand::seq::SliceRandom;

let choices = [1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32];
let mut rng = thread_rng();
println!("{:?}", choices.choose(&mut rng));
assert_eq!(choices[..0].choose(&mut rng), None);

pub fn choose_mut<R>(&mut self, rng: &mut R) -> Option<&mut Self::Item> where
    R: Rng + ?Sized

Returns a mutable reference to one random element of the slice, or None if the slice is empty.

Depending on the implementation, complexity is expected to be O(1).

pub fn choose_multiple<R>(
    rng: &mut R,
    amount: usize
) -> SliceChooseIter<'_, Self, Self::Item>

Notable traits for SliceChooseIter<'a, S, T>

impl<'a, S, T> Iterator for SliceChooseIter<'a, S, T> where
    T: 'a,
    S: Index<usize, Output = T> + 'a + ?Sized
type Item = &'a T;
    R: Rng + ?Sized

Produces an iterator that chooses amount elements from the slice at random without repeating any, and returns them in random order.

In case this API is not sufficiently flexible, use index::sample then apply the indices to the slice.

Complexity is expected to be the same as index::sample.


use rand::seq::SliceRandom;
let mut rng = &mut rand::thread_rng();
let sample = "Hello, audience!".as_bytes();
// collect the results into a vector:
let v: Vec<u8> = sample.choose_multiple(&mut rng, 3).cloned().collect();
// store in a buffer:
let mut buf = [0u8; 5];
for (b, slot) in sample.choose_multiple(&mut rng, buf.len()).zip(buf.iter_mut()) {
    *slot = *b;

pub fn choose_weighted<R, F, B, X>(
    rng: &mut R,
    weight: F
) -> Result<&Self::Item, WeightedError> where
    F: Fn(&Self::Item) -> B,
    R: Rng + ?Sized,
    X: SampleUniform + for<'a> AddAssign<&'a X> + PartialOrd<X> + Clone + Default,
    B: SampleBorrow<X>, 

Similar to choose, where the likelihood of each outcome may be specified. The specified function weight maps items x to a relative likelihood weight(x). The probability of each item being selected is therefore weight(x) / s, where s is the sum of all weight(x).


use rand::prelude::*;

let choices = [('a', 2), ('b', 1), ('c', 1)];
let mut rng = thread_rng();
// 50% chance to print 'a', 25% chance to print 'b', 25% chance to print 'c'
println!("{:?}", choices.choose_weighted(&mut rng, |item| item.1).unwrap().0);

pub fn choose_weighted_mut<R, F, B, X>(
    &mut self,
    rng: &mut R,
    weight: F
) -> Result<&mut Self::Item, WeightedError> where
    F: Fn(&Self::Item) -> B,
    R: Rng + ?Sized,
    X: SampleUniform + for<'a> AddAssign<&'a X> + PartialOrd<X> + Clone + Default,
    B: SampleBorrow<X>, 

Similar to choose_mut, where the likelihood of each outcome may be specified. The specified function weight maps items x to a relative likelihood weight(x). The probability of each item being selected is therefore weight(x) / s, where s is the sum of all weight(x).

See also choose_weighted.

pub fn shuffle<R>(&mut self, rng: &mut R) where
    R: Rng + ?Sized

Shuffle a mutable slice in place.

Depending on the implementation, complexity is expected to be O(1).


use rand::thread_rng;
use rand::seq::SliceRandom;

let mut rng = thread_rng();
let mut y = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
println!("Unshuffled: {:?}", y);
y.shuffle(&mut rng);
println!("Shuffled:   {:?}", y);

pub fn partial_shuffle<R>(
    &mut self,
    rng: &mut R,
    amount: usize
) -> (&mut [Self::Item], &mut [Self::Item]) where
    R: Rng + ?Sized

Shuffle a slice in place, but exit early.

Returns two mutable slices from the source slice. The first contains amount elements randomly permuted. The second has the remaining elements that are not fully shuffled.

This is an efficient method to select amount elements at random from the slice, provided the slice may be mutated.

If you only need to choose elements randomly and amount > self.len()/2 then you may improve performance by taking amount = values.len() - amount and using only the second slice.

If amount is greater than the number of elements in the slice, this will perform a full shuffle.

Complexity is expected to be O(m) where m = amount.

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Implementations on Foreign Types

impl<T> SliceRandom for [T][src]

type Item = T

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